Friday, November 6, 2015

Twenty-six Days

So after some pestering from my mother, I was finally guilted into writing another blog post. Not much has happened in the last few weeks, so I haven’t exactly had the highest motivation level to piece together another post… Regardless, here it is!

Here are a few short highlights before I get into the bulk of the post: 

1.      1. I got to visit my friends Betty and Joseph and their adorable children! Joey was only about a month old the last time I saw her, and now she is approaching 1 year and holding herself up on furniture. Its crazy how much she has grown. I also got to see her sister Johanna and her brother Josh who are 5 and 7 now (I think..), and those little munchkins have grown soooo much!
2.      2. I had a picnic with a few of my friends in my training group, we made guacamole, got a cake from an American bakery, found some peanut butter to put on our chapatti, and ate some delicious fresh fruit! We were supposed to go to a beautiful spot on the hillside, but once again the rainy season deterred us from going anywhere.
3.      3. Oh, and it hailed here.. 

In the last couple of weeks there was a strong possibility that I was going to receive a site change, but after some hard work on the part of PC Rwanda staff and a lot of me telling them I didn’t want a site change things have finally been sorted out. I am still going to be living in the same village, just in a different house! This new house is supposedly bigger than my last house (I didn’t know that was even possible), and it is in its own compound. Guess who’s getting chickens and a dog :)
Another recent update; in only 26 short days I will be moving to my site in Gahengeri where I will live and work for the next two years! To say I am excited is a drastic understatement, I am so ready to be at site and start working with my community. Earlier this week we were informed that our Swear-in Ceremony will take place on December 1st instead of December 4th, and as a result we only have about 3 weeks left of training in Rwamagana. So over the next three weeks, I will be spending two weeks in Model School where I will be teaching some Primary 4 & 5 students as kind of a student teaching program. Today I visited the school (it’s about a 25 minute walk), and decided to do a mini unit on storytelling with my classes. Next week I will have pictures and a reflection on my first week of “teaching”. In addition to Model School, I will have my final LPI (language proficiency exam) and we will host a party for our host families to thank them for taking care of us over the past twelve, brutally long, weeks. AND of course, all of the trainees in my group will be learning/ performing not one, but TWO traditional Rwandan dances for our families and friends. Although dancing is definitely not my thing, and difficult to do with my lack of shoulder stability, it will be good to show our families that we really do want to be a part of the culture (even if it means dancing like uncoordinated fools). Don’t worry, I’m sure most people will record it and proof of this will find its way onto my blog at some point!

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