Thursday, October 1, 2015

Why does it matter?

So this week we talked a bit about how our beliefs as Peace Corps Volunteers. Although we had countless other sessions and language classes, this topic stuck with me. The session was led by Brian who is our DPT ( don't ask me what it stands for, I have no idea) and he posed the question of "why does it matter?"

So why DOES it matter? Why am I here? What am I hoping to accomplish? As I began to think about these daunting questions, I wrote down a few ideas, scratched things out, reworded them... Here are a few of my thoughts regarding the topic.

           1. Unless you dig deeper and are passionate about learning more, you will only know what you      
               hear from others, and not what you see for yourself.
           2. To overcome ignorance
           3. To share my skills and help in the creation of a more cooperative global community.
           4. To lessen the impact of Us vs. Them thinking through cross cultural exchange at the    
                grassroots level.
Throughout my service, I am sure my beliefs will change, I will adapt to a new culture, and as a result  I will gain a better understanding of exactly why I am here and what I am doing.

We also watched a few very powerful videos and discussed the impact that the media has had on us. So before watching these videos, ask yourself the following question: "What do you think of U.S foreign aid?" Think about the Unites States and our involvement in foreign affairs, how much money we spend, and who we are helping, etc...

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