Friday, July 10, 2015

Well, after months of driving back and forth from NH to MA for doctors appointments I am officially medically cleared for my Peace Corps service in Rwanda. In the past few weeks I realized that I can now begin counting (approximately, because Peace Corps doesn't send you your staging information until it is within 30 days of the proposed departure date) down the days until I begin my 27 months in Rwanda, and I am filled with excitement (mostly) and a little bit of anxiety. It is time to start making lists of what I will pack in my two suitcases, planning a going away party for my family and friends, and practicing my kinyarwanda more frequently. My next post will be from around the time of my staging in September and departure for Rwanda. After that I want to document my Peace Corps service through a series of photos (at least one for every week I am there), but we'll see how realistic that really is!